To be literally hanging by your teeth or most likely your braces on someones ass hair. Simply put, you've become a human dingleberry. Not a pleasant experience for either party. Similar to a paratrooper hanging by his parachute from a tree.
"Dude, your sure walk'n funny today."
"Yeah, bitch las nite hung herself on my butt hair by her braces... ripped a bunch out!"
"Damn, you're a vet now... you scored a full-fledged Poop Chute Paratrooper!"
by Cary n Jerry December 12, 2007
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When you are so fast you can run a 4.50 40yd dash, your pants disintegrate, and your balls stretch out due to drag and flail in the wind behind you wile running, just like a jet fuel car completing a 1/4 mile drag race.
Woah, man! Check out the Sandling Drag Chute that guy has got going on. He is running so fast!
by JCaal November 29, 2016
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poop chutes and bladders is the adult version of the kids game chutes and ladders but in the adult version you take turns poopin and peein on yourself
my friend asked me if i wanted to play a round of poop chutes and bladders to which i declined as im not into poopin or peein on myself
by ODog N Cali M.C N T April 6, 2009
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A colloquialism; literally, Peter Kovacs. We still love you, Petey. Just don't sit next to me.
Oh, now he's Piss-Pot Pete as well! Someone get a paper towel!
by Pat-rot January 27, 2004
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Another name for the female genitalia (vagina)

Man, I really rammed that girl's front poo chute last night
by Cocksocket February 10, 2008
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