7 definitions by Auntshel

Someone who wears a lanyard around his/her neck 24-7.
That guy thinks he's lit because he never takes off those lanyards around his neck. He's truly a landnerd!
by Auntshel February 8, 2020
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When your boss is so lame, all he talks about is his playing soccer way back in the day. He talks old ball all the time(obatt).
Our boss is so boring! All he talks about is when he played soccer in his younger days. Shitty obatt!
by Auntshel March 26, 2020
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When someone opens their mouth to talk, and the smell is so rank, it smells like they ate a shit sandwich. They have shit sandwich breath.
Damn, Alan! Your breath is the worst! Smells like you have shit sandwich breath!
by Auntshel March 9, 2020
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Even though I know my work better than my new boss, he STILL hovers over me all the time. What a stupid hool!!!
by Auntshel March 26, 2020
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Some jerk who snitches is a ratpants.
Can't believe he talked! That asshole Al-lone is a damned ratpants!
by Auntshel October 4, 2020
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That dude sure loves homosexual sex! He's a huge p.l.a.c.e.k.!
by Auntshel March 29, 2020
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