46 definitions by ODog N Cali M.C N T

G mail is where i go downtown on my ladys G spot and send her a message of love one letter at a time wit my tongue
i was feelin kinda horny and wanted my woman to know it so i sent her a G mail and boy id say my message was well recieved and totally made her day
by ODog N Cali M.C N T April 8, 2009
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a fruit jar is an urn for a gay person who has died
my friend went to his gay uncles funeral the other day well he was shocked to find he had been cremated and his ashes were put in a fruit jar for his last wish
by ODog N Cali M.C N T April 6, 2009
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fap 5 freddy is a name for a rapper who likes to masterbate
my stage name is fap 5 freddy cause i rap and i love to masterbate
by ODog N Cali M.C N T May 20, 2009
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that dude is so blind to all the bull goin on around him ill bet its cause hes got his head up his ass so far that hes wearing his ass cheeks for blinders
joe bob must be wearing his ass cheeks for blinders cause hes too stupid to notice hes being used and screwed over
by ODog N Cali M.C N T April 6, 2009
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menstrual cycle is a female bike ridden only once a month
i must be blind cause i didnt see her on her bike but jill jus told me shes on her menstrual cycle
by ODog N Cali M.C N T April 9, 2009
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a ventin tarantino is a guy who bitches about movies
man i was talkin to a friend about the movie we just seen when he became a ventin tarantino and bitched about how stupid the movie was
by ODog N Cali M.C N T May 20, 2009
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tatisfaction is what a tattooist feels when he does a tattoo on a womans privates
man i did a tattoo on a womans breast the other night and it turnned me on so much it gave me total tatisfaction
by ODog N Cali M.C N T May 27, 2009
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