verb. to zorb. to sit around, possibly in front of a television, probably by yourself and do nothing. similar to zoning out.
i totally zorbed out watching the law and order marathon last night.
by miettestar June 24, 2006
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Another word for walking, and a great example of the arbitrary evolution of language.
I zorb zorb furiously to linguistics class
by Long Horse Short Walk February 3, 2022
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It is the light-headed feeling you get from nicotine
I just smoked 3 cigarettes, I'm hella zorbed
by gab6 March 1, 2017
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"Dude! That guy is totally zorbing! Look at him go!"

"Dude! I went zorbing today in San Fransisco"
by Evangeline Pelagia August 18, 2009
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To attain a state of inebriation that causes others to feel disgust and/or discomfort.

The alcohol induced mindset that rationalises normally unacceptable behaviour due to heightened levels of ignorance and obnoxiousness.
by David Sherwood August 21, 2011
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A zorb is a perfectly spherical person.
Look at that zorb that resides in V1 at the University of Waterloo.
by Aycrad March 30, 2009
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the act in which a man tapes his scrotum to his anus and then quickly sits down on a hard surface.
My doctor told me to stop zorbing else I may rupture a ball.
by Johnny_H January 25, 2013
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