The most dynamic president and military leader ever to exist.
George Washington was fierce.
by ssos September 25, 2014
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*Born of relatively average status, but married up (as his Father had done)
*Was very concerned with obtaining status/prestige
*Led a Virginia militia in the French and Indian War (mainly in hopes of receiving a commission in the British Army)
*General of the Continental Army in the American Revolutionary War
*1st president, served two four year terms
*Was addressed as "His Excellency"
*Iconic figure, considered by men like Jefferson, Adams, Franklin to be the most important Founding Father
*Was highly revered by contemporaries, and this exalted status helped maintain the United States in its first chaotic years of government.
*Was more of a Federalist (central government authority, national bank, standing army) than a Jeffersonian Republican (revolutionary vision of country, agrarian republic, states' rights)
*Wasn't scared of bullets
*Had smallpox at age 19
*His actions in preventing the spread of smallpox in the Continental Army are considered by historians to be his greatest military achievement (as disease was rampant, controlled inoculations saved thousands of men)
*Very athletic
*Usually seen with his black friend, both having superb mastery of riding horses.
*Based on cultural attitudes, if present day Americans actually read some of his letters, they would consider him to be something of a Nancy Fancypants
"That in the parlor must, I should think, stand as it does; not so much on account of the wainscotting, which I think must be altered (on account of the door leading into the new building), as on account of the chimney piece and the manner of its fronting into the room...In short, I would have the whole executed in a masterly manner."

--George Washington, letter to Mt. Vernon, Sept. 30, 1776 (a few days before the British landing at Throg's Neck in NY)
by Rumbleminz November 26, 2006
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An act of sexual congress in which a man takes a virgin home and (trading in an ax for a much harder tool), destroys her cherry tree.

Before finishing, the man pulls out and lets loose a cum eruption on the former virgin's head. Lastly, he tosses a handful of baby powder on her hair, which combines with the baby juice to take on the look of a powdered wig.
"Man, that's probably not the way Joe's sister thought she'd lose her virginity, but I think she mostly enjoyed the George Washington I gave her this weekend."
by Suite Lover August 19, 2014
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Our first and greatest president, Washington is known for a variety of achievements including (but not limited to) inventing cocaine, spreading the Delaware like Moses, saving children (not the British children), throwing knives into heaven, and killing his own sensei but never saying why.

"Damn. George Washington is so cool. Who would've thought he was such a bad ass."

"Did you know that George Washington once held an opponents wife's hand in a jar of a party?"
by Jaycesin November 23, 2006
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The name of a nuclear powered US aircraft carrier. Namely the sixth carrier in the Nimitz-class and (obviously) christened after the first president of the United States. The official name is USS George Washington (CVN-73)
The USS George Washington is a ship that is still in active duty.
by SeriousManMan December 28, 2017
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this bitch pulled the teeth from his slaves and made it into his own dentures.
george washington*with slave teeth*: like my grill
person: those ain’t yo teeth bro
by Ahhhhhhhhh69 October 3, 2020
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A George Washington, or G & W, as in gin and whisky, is usually made with jack daniels and giner ale.
by Chris Taber February 15, 2009
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