
Used in military terminology to describe the mandatory task of providing security or lookout for anything from an ammunition arsenal to an empty barracks. Can last for a few hrs or 24 hrs. Usually given at the worst possible times and weekends to remind you of why you ever joined the military.
Marine: Woot woot!!! It's Christmas, time to go home!!!

1stSgt: Oh fuck no! You have duty Christmas day, don't bother going home.

by jmusmc85 June 6, 2010
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A word commonly laughed at by people no matter how mature you are.

It is normally laughed at as people use the word duty as slang for feces.
Person 1: IT IS YOUR DUTY!

Person 2: Hahaha......... duty.
by domki366 January 6, 2013
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Hold on I have to take a duty.
by Nick August 24, 2003
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Diarrhea of the comical kind (which is all diarrhea).
Ahahah. Duty. Ahahah. Diarrhea.
by Didda Tinkle May 24, 2004
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another word that is used for call of duty. only for ps3 users.
u gettin on duty later?
by callofduty1 November 20, 2010
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the funniest word known to mankind
seriously just say it a few times and its hilarious
me and rob were cracking up all day about duties

Rob: Lucas have you performed your duties??
by JahLove October 29, 2008
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Trash. Ugly. Anything nasty.
by JWMW.xo April 24, 2009
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