Women's open toed shoes that are wrongly sized, causing the toes to hang over the front of the shoes (like Stallone in Cliffhanger).
Guy: "Damn girl, where you get those Stallones from?"
Girl: "Stallones? These are stilettos."
Guy: "Nah, those are Stallones."
by jabeans February 8, 2011
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1. Women or Men who have exceptionally thick and stubby fingers, much like Sylvester Stallone.

2. Sausage Fingers
I can't use this small ass QWERTY keyboard with these damn Stallones.
by Beibasaurus-Rex November 14, 2010
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Looking something up because of how impossible or absurd it sounds.
The name comes from the Sylvester Stallone story of how he sold his dog for $150 in desperation, because he was flat broke and needed funds to pursue getting his Rocky screen play purchased and getting the lead role in the movie. After he got the script sold, he re-purchased the dog from the guy he sold it to for $15,000 and had to cast the guy in Rocky as part of the deal.

So the story goes...

Is it true? Stallone it to find out
by Burney Crew September 7, 2012
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When an individual has become so intoxicated, usually with a combination of alcohol and marijuana, that they begin to resemble Sylvester Stallone in speech and appearance.

Symptoms include: slurred speech, being exceedingly difficult to understand, and drooping of lower lip or eyelids giving the impression of partial face paralysis.
Onlooker:"Hey everybody, Joel is Stalloned!"

Joel: "Meh.... Dawhy is duuuhbeer guh duh dere?..... Yo Adrian... uuuuh... beer"
by ThaMoxie February 19, 2010
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To get stoned alone, getting high with oneself.
My buddies went home early so I popped "Grandma's Boy" into the DVD player and got stalloned.
by Loose Mortar March 8, 2011
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1) Popular movie star, who became famous with rambo.
2) (to pull a) To sneak up on an unsuspecting victim and cocklash them vigorously, causing surprise.
"Burt was so drunk, it was easy to pull a Stallone on him"
by DRAGON FORCE January 18, 2006
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The act of a woman shitting on a glass table while their parner lays underneath them and punches the clown to this beautiful sight
by clownpunch October 8, 2006
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