Hey Luci is looking especially spunky today. No more than usual, she is a proper spunky.
by KFW October 27, 2017
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Damn dude, I wish I had a dog like Spunkey
by The Leader November 27, 2004
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Check out that spunky guy! He is such a spunky bum that I cant keep my hands off of him!
by Crazy Cat 38 October 30, 2012
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How a female smells after engaging in heterosexual sex.
Wow, Nancy sure is spunky today. And isn't that yesterday's outfit?
by WannaKnowManilow November 2, 2011
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A promiscuous and sex-obsessed person - (conflation of spunk (=semen) and junkie.)
"That Diana was a right spunkie" muttered Phillip disapprovingly.
by Dunky Oggins November 25, 2003
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A cool person who should stop crying and be happy and whom jack green does not deserve if he is gonna be a prat and is also quite feisty ;)
by salmon da lad April 26, 2011
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The name of the countrys longest running weekly Hardcore Music Event. Founded by Mayhem and Jeopardy (Pinky and Perky) back in the 1900's it has bought some, if not all, of the biggest names in the hardcore music scene to its home town Hereford.
raver 1. where ya goin 2nite?

raver 2. im off to Play/Dusk to listen to pointless remixes and watch slappers chat up chavs

raver 1. Dont be a soft cunt, come and stomp the night away at Spunky @ the Lock up!
by skoobz May 9, 2007
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