105 definitions by Dunky Oggins

A spicey fast-food very popular in Korea and Upton Park High Street.
I complained to the shops manager when i discovered a piece of chicken amongst my kentucky fried rat.
by Dunky Oggins November 25, 2003
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June was bored: Alec had been playing with his gnomes for hours, so she went upstairs to grease the gash.
by Dunky Oggins November 15, 2003
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put some knickers on Peggy, you're showing your bearded oyster!
by Dunky Oggins November 1, 2003
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A sexual act entailing defecating onto the face of one's partner.
Doctor, can i have some Picolax please, my new girlfriend is into scatting.
by Dunky Oggins December 17, 2003
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Bernadette was very happy: her new boyfriend had promised to go diving into the red sea once Eastenders had finished.
by Dunky Oggins November 16, 2003
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a lump of phlegm.
"What's for dinner today?" asked Saddam.
"Just a docker's omelette until you tell us where you have hidden those WMDs" replied his CIA interrogator malevolently.
by Dunky Oggins December 23, 2003
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To have sexual relations with a corpse.
Poor old Alec, he got sacked from his new job at the undertakers when the boss caught him getting some cold comfort.
by Dunky Oggins January 9, 2004
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