To deep-six means to get rid of, to ignore, or to bury something. It comes from the six feet depth of a grave.
I'm sick and tired of the deal we made. It's time to deep-six that shit.
by cerberusss October 20, 2007
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The six refers to a grave, as in six feet under.
The deep refers to the ocean.

Together we have a death at sea, where youre grave is much futher down than 6 ft. Today we just use it to say "throw away" or something like that.
by el deepo sixo February 14, 2004
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What a Japenese man dreams he could give a woman
Tojo wishes he could deep six his woman but he only has 3 inches
by ray April 12, 2005
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Friend: You fucked that bitch last night right?
You: Yeah, I blew that shit up.
Friend: Did you use a rub?
You: Fuck no. Rubbers are for pussies. In fact I deep six'd that shit.
by Rest In Piss February 5, 2011
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When you have to throw something overboard. Typically when something is on fire.

To get rid of something overboard.
I had to deep-six my wife cause her ass was on fire.
by Iyadsyas September 8, 2016
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To dispose of an item at a landfill/dump.
Derek: Nice plasma tv tom, what did you do with your old console television?
Tom: Oh, I just got back from the landfill, I deep sixed that bitch.
Derek: Nice.
by Molson Dan October 8, 2005
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If you piss me off, you're dead meat, done, deep six.
by King Shit January 19, 2003
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