30 definitions by King Shit

syn. for 'eating out/licking his asshole'
She was tossing his salad until the taste made her barf.
by King Shit January 19, 2003
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Hey did you see that guy give that other guy a rainbow kiss?
by King Shit January 19, 2003
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a male who experiences feelings of sexual excitement/delight when he sees/imagines an ass
Ed is a real bottom boy...other men's bottoms, that is.
by King Shit January 19, 2003
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a muscular ring that closes a bodily opening
I had to shit the runs during the whole date with that babe last night. I kept thinking "Sphincter, don't fail me now!"
by King Shit January 19, 2003
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syn. for 'generously-sized paternal figure'
by King Shit January 19, 2003
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