The type of guy who fingers a girl and thinks his finger is a dick. Usually a meat head.
That dude is a total dick-finger!
by 4katy October 25, 2009
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An invention developed by Octopenis Inc in order to make scrotal and shaft function more convenient for the male. Dick Fingers being a particular one of these inventions, deals with several metal prongs attached to the tip of the penis with a circular loop that enables the male to do such things as type on a keyboard or put in a pin number at a bank with their dick.
I was eating a bagel with both my hands, and decided to finish my report on African Slave Trading with my dick using my brand new Dick Fingers.
by Wisconsin Braves June 30, 2010
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When your fingers smell like smegma.
Charlotte tossed Lewis off and ended up with dick fingers from his dirty cock.
by Redlington April 8, 2018
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The use of air quotes while speaking to add dickish sarcasm, dickish irony, or a dickish euphemism to an otherwise innocuous word or phrase.
To show dickish sarcasm on an important and controversial issue: the politician throws up his dick fingers when he says the word "health" in the phrase "That's the extreme pro-abortion position, (a mothers) quote 'health.'"
by E. A. Friendly October 30, 2008
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"Hey Ki, you fuckn fucked my computer you fucken dick fingers!!!!
by Dewk Knewkem February 3, 2011
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A hyperendemic medical condition caused by forgetting to wash one's hands post-masturbation. Transmission occurs via tactile association between infected and susceptible individuals. Symptoms include extreme clamminess of the hands; a smell can usually be ascertained as well. Objects at risk of contamination include door knobs, refrigerator handles, light switches, and computer mouses especially. At present, the only known vaccination is castration.

Note: DF cannot be considered an STD because masturbation does not count as sex.
Doctor: "I'm afraid you have DF."
Josh: "Is it curable?"
Doctor: *Sighs* "No, not really."

Girl: "Oh my have dick fingers!"
Guy: "I guess I forgot to wash my hands."
by anotheraeolist September 27, 2013
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When someone is so clumsy with their hands, it is as if their fingers are penises
Scott can't open the door because he has dick fingers.
by MarioSpinsters69 April 3, 2023
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