An original sound track of an anime titled Yachirin Bitch Club or as known as Yaribu. The song is singed by the voice actors of the character.
See also: Yachirin Bitch Club
See also: Yachirin Bitch Club
by YourGayCousin69420 October 29, 2020
Friend 1: "Hey, do you know the song Touch You from Yarichin Bitch Club?"
Friend 2: "I do! It's way too catchy for being from THAT anime though."
Friend 2: "I do! It's way too catchy for being from THAT anime though."
by Professional Jotaro Simp April 7, 2021
by urapota July 16, 2021
by bipolardyke March 7, 2008
Often qouted by Yosefinni-sama and Tommybish-sama-
'Touche me once, I'll touch you twice' means you will always one up the others, you will always be one step ahead.
'Touche me once, I'll touch you twice' means you will always one up the others, you will always be one step ahead.
Sub5: 'Shut the f*ck up or I'll beat the shit out of you.'
Chad: 'Touch me once, I'll touch you twice' brah.'
Chad: 'Touch me once, I'll touch you twice' brah.'
by tommybisho-sama October 8, 2022
"I think I have strep throat because there are red dots on the thing that when you touch it you throw up."
by Greg C. Z. September 9, 2007
A common idiom from 18th century Britain, first coined by Sir John Walters in reference to his ex-lover Caroline Milcke. The original phrasing, “place thy hand on a horse, and be victorious in the divorce.” This obscure idiom was adopted by 19th century romantics and its popularity grew exponentially. As of the early 20th century, the phrase was adapted to its current wording by Elizabeth Williams.
by Lissylooe January 3, 2020