a good fucking song by the band Attila
dude 1: hey dude, did you here Attila's song Belligerent?
dude 2: yeah bro, it's fucking sick!
dude 1: let's smoke up and throw down while we listen!
by brodudeattila December 19, 2009
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So ridiculously drunk that you feel like screaming is the only way anyone will hear you, or when your singing voice is the most beautiful thing you've ever heard, when in reality you're missing every note. Other examples include pissing in public, being promiscuous, passing out, throwing up, so on. See also inebriated, smashed, hammered, shitfaced, etc.
Did you guys see Michael the other night? He was so fuckin belligerent that he was pissing all over a Uhaul truck!
by BelligerentMofo August 22, 2008
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Typically slang for getting absolutely plastered, blackout drunk and having a wild ass time.

Used by students at Carleton university.

Particularly refers to nights (or days) when substances should not be consumed, but are anyway.

Can also refer to any night when one would like to get absolutely belligerent.
Oh we’re getting belligerent tonight!
by woomonkee October 19, 2022
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saying this word is a major insult to anyone, only use if needed it will cause deaths.

Means meanly deranged/ Brain dead. If you add fool at the end it will cause the F.B.I to come after you. USE CAUTIOUSLY
Man like Shaan is belligerent .
Man like Shaan is a belligerent fool.
by bruh1992 November 27, 2020
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When the sesh stupid lit and people start gettin nasty
Matt Dubrow was jhi belligerent last night. Philip hadda calm that mofo down he was bein jhiiii belligerent.
by yerrmama April 19, 2018
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Belonging or pertaining to, the society of The Bulgarians. This may apply to actions, possessions, people, places, etc. All are within the realm of possible inclusion.
One of the Bulgarians is getting murried shortly. That is definitely belligerent, if anything may be considered so.
by frank July 7, 2004
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A hostile or warlike attitude, nature, or inclination; belligerency
Drinking too much Everclear often leads to belligerence.
by deplemisher April 25, 2003
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