little yellow shit balls that rise from 'neath your face.
by Balki August 14, 2003
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Adj. Form of Zit. To have many zits.
God, have you seen Cherry's face? It's so zitted.
by ladylucy July 28, 2008
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a) lil titties
b) tits in German
Commen here, Helga, lemme squeeze der zits
by Hugh G Rection September 20, 2003
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Don't keep popping those zits. You'll get an infection. (example of zit)
by The Return of Light Joker August 31, 2009
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A zit is an annoying, big, red, and usually painful pimple that's on your face. You don't want one. It's zero fun.
Guy that looks in mirror: Oh yikes! I have a huge zit smack in the middle of my face!
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a horrible yellow mucos that pops up on your skin a looks gross
hey mate you've got a big shitty zit on the end of your nose, days later a and its took over there face eeeeeeeeeee it looks like a mutant
by marie August 5, 2003
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A person or acquaintance that won't leave you alone or is always there at the worst times. Never goes away. Like a zit
Dude my ex is here again to cock block me, She is such a zit.

This guy a work won't leave me alone. He is so zitting me.
by Hardhat July 11, 2008
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