usually said when you already knew what one person is talking about or totally obvious. also said in place of "duh!", "no shit!", "really (note the sarcasim)?" or "well, no kidding!"
person: "did you know that 1+1=2?"
by like, dude! May 30, 2003
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there...(see example)
I like the way you do that right der(dur)
by tmacafella July 17, 2003
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German for "the". Sounds like "duh", or "dah", so this would explain why "der" is used as "duh" in this day and age. Or maybe because it sounds funnier.
"Der launch the missile!"

"*spinning a cat around in one hand*Deeerrrrr hi I'm Rob I'm the biggest idiot in the whole wide world!"
by Dave January 8, 2005
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Something you say when you're retarded and don't know what else to say.
Joe: Wow that was akward.
Brent: Yeah......der
by Christian W. April 11, 2006
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another word for dick, penis, or a male's sex organ.
Can be used for noun, verb, and almost any other form.
What a der. (What a dick)
Your der hurts (Your dick hurts)
by tommy October 17, 2004
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