AN old man who likes to be seen with younger women to deceive people into thinking that he is heterosexual but that is not the truth the truth is that he is gayer than leonardo Davinci.
Rod Stewart likes to suck on rod's rod.
by TPTOYS(grab your toes) August 19, 2008
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old ass, should have retired years ago singer who sounds like a cat that someone has set fire to.
Did I step on the cat?

No, Rod Stewart just came on TV.
by Dr. Chathy April 21, 2005
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Man, Rod Stewart is so fucking old he crapped his pants on fucking stage and didn't seem to notice.
by Panocha007 June 8, 2003
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An old twat who'd rather play with his model trainset than fuck supermodels.
by Cuntbung October 29, 2003
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rod stewart

Old as shit, gay ass scottish singer waaaaaaaay past his prime.

Source: Joe Mama, Oct 18, 2003

And yet still better than gnr or iron maiden or motley crue or any such homo-erotic wankage!
by TRUTH December 14, 2004
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All of his songs sound the same
What song is this?

It's a Rod Stewart song called...uh...oh hell, they're all the same anyway
by Dillon Farnum March 20, 2005
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A slang name for a womans pussy,
named after a scotish singer.
Show us your Rod Stewert
by Buzzy August 2, 2003
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