People who fly into space in magic bubbles and land on random planets. When they get to the planets they begin to have intimate relationships with the stars. Cussing at them, falling in love with them, having sex with them, spilling out the most intimate details of their heart to them. Soon all the stars know the secrets that most people save for their diaries and therapists. And these people, they are Starfuckers.

Oh, and the greatest band ever.
I think the definition of Starfucker pretty much is the example.
by jinxglitter August 12, 2009
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The proper (some might say "derogatory", though I hope for the sake of the world they wouldn't) term for the evil coffee making entity sometimes known as Starbucks.

Also: a game which involves trying to fuck the most attractive member of staff working in said coffe shop, whilst buying the least number of products (See also Fuckbeans).
"I hate Starfucks"
"Don't you mean StarBUCKS?
"No, I assure you, I meant Starfucks."
by Bartender February 21, 2004
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Starfucks has such awful coffee! it's expensive and it tastes like sewage.
by CurvedMirror October 24, 2008
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The intolerable people who frequent Starbucks! Not the normal customer or regular, this pos is over the top!
Barista over headseat: This guy said there is only 12 sugars in his tall coffee and he ordered 13. He wants a complete new batch brewed for the remake and won’t pull forward. God I hate starfucks!
by Gunslinger0351 February 4, 2019
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Someone that shallowly idolizes and apologizes for celebrities just because they are celebrities in the hope that they can one day be lifted to their iconic level. They are the Hollywood version of a fanboy.
Paris Hilton got famous by being born with a silver spoon in her mouth. She then gathers "fans" through getting drunk at the most lavish and expensive bars across the world and being caught having sex and idiotic things on tape and those fans support, apologize, and minimize her antics. They truly are starfuckers.
by R. Kemp February 14, 2008
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1. The Main Idea of 'Starfuckers, Inc.', by Trent Reznor, or Nine Inch Nails.
2. Part of the song 'Professional Widow', By Tori Amos, most likely about Courtney Love.
3. Courtney Love
4. A groupie
1. "Starfuckers, now I belong...... I'm one of the chosen ones." - Trent Reznor, 'Starfuckers, Inc.'
2. "Starfucker just like my Daddy - yes, Starfucker just like my Daddy - yes." -Tori Amos, 'Professional Widow'
3. Courtney Love=Whore
4. I hate Groupies. Especially Nine Inch Nails' Groupies.
by funkfunk July 21, 2006
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1. the original name of the Rolling Stones song "Star Star".

2. one who screws entertainment stars. Also starfuck. A groupie.

3. a young girl who preps herself up and poses in order to attract the attention of older men, whether they are stars or not.
1. Joan Jett's 1983 version of "Star Star" was criticized for excessive use of the word "starfucker".

2. I'm sick of reading about Tom Cruise and his latest starfucker Katie Holmes.

3. Angie is 15. She always wears heavy makeup, wears tight jeans and hangs around the Kwik E Mart across the street from school to find an adult man to seduce. She is a teenage starfucker.
by I Saw U2 Live Twice September 29, 2006
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