49 definitions by R. Kemp

French Canadian attempt at anime, complete with enigmatic Japanese girl, superficial girl, twist headband guy, and a shitload of dorks. At least it isn't a 100% sellout cartoon like Teen Titans.
If you want to copy anime, at least get the spellings right! LYOKO shouldn't have an "L" as there is no "L" in Romanicized Japanese.
by R. Kemp August 5, 2004
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Miyazaki's worst movie. Has no plot, and is chock full of little girl upskirt shots.
The movie "My Neighbor Totoro" is an amorphous blob of suck. It's lack of direction and random BS will only appeal to small children or wapanese dorks.
by R. Kemp January 25, 2005
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Stands for Pot, Kettle, Black. Used as an abbreviation on USENET and message boards to point out hypocracy.
When he called me a hopeless virgin, the PKB meter exploded.
by R. Kemp September 22, 2004
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Has-been in J-Pop, and through her #161 Billboard "debut" (it's actually her 2nd album in America), a never-was in America. Grew up in New York because her father's dream as a producer was to produce a hit Japanese act in America. Looks like he has to keep dreaming.
I'm breezy? WTF?

She failed as "Utada Hikaru" and failed in her "2nd debut" as "Utada". What's daddy gonna do next? Debut her again as "Hikaru"?
by R. Kemp January 25, 2005
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The catch-all excuse for the denizens at Encylopedia Dramatica to be as racist, sexist, anti-semitic, and any other form of bigotry as they want to be and turn their page into the Stormfront wiki.
Angry black man with a bat: I know it was you that turned the article about O.J. Simpson into a rant about niggers!

ED user: But...but.... I did it for the lulz!

*Thwack* *Thwack* *Thwack*
by R. Kemp November 17, 2010
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British English slang. It means to mug someone.
The boys needed beer money, so they koshed an Irishman on his way to the bar.
by R. Kemp January 14, 2005
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Derogatory term and drawn caricature aganist black people. The illustratory represenation, made famous by minstrel shows and Stepin Fetchit, is a black person with bugged eyes and pouty red or beige lips pronounced to the point of absurdity.
Many Japanese still think of blacks in terms of the sambo image due to the influence of American cartoonists during the occupation of Japan and the way white soldiers treated black soldiers. The sambo caricature is also the illustration of choice for racist depictions of black people since the 1930s.
by R. Kemp January 5, 2006
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