cook it for however long you can have almost any flavor you want. if there isn't one you want, make your own and save the flavor packet for another time. a really good way is to mix curray, cumin, seseme seeds, flour, pepper, salt, celery seeds and flavored soup bullion.(yummy)
{boy I made this new flavor for my ramen! you should try it!}
by mraaron August 29, 2006
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A college student's staple food. You had Maruchan ramen packets and a heating pad to cook it with. Unfortunately, you left the pad on while you were gone and it burned down your dormitory.
I'm sorry I burned down the dorm, killing 5 people inside! I just wanted ramen!
by Keussie November 27, 2005
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1.) Delicious, inexpensive noodle soup good for either a light snack or a meal. Goes great with those pre-cooked strips of chicken or beef you can buy at the supermarket. Tastes like shit if overcooked, though.

2.) Inexpensive noodle soup eaten by the wordWapanese/word only because it comes from Japan. They don't actually like ramen at all. They just like the fact that they don't have to import the shit. Not to be confused with normal people who eat ramen because they actually like the taste and/or are too poor to afford anything else.
1.) "This stuff may be cheap, but it's actually good. Beef and Pork ramen are my favorites flavors."

2.) "Kawaii desu!! Pork ramen!! Oh thank Kami-sama, since I don't have to import this from Japan, I can order another box of Cucumber and Teriyaki-flavor pocky! Uh-oh, Sailor Moon is about to start! Ikuhayo~~!! ^_^ LoLooLllLOlOloLo!o11!11!!"
by Ninja Disaster August 26, 2003
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The cheapest and most delicious meal on the planet.
Ramen is only 10 cents a package ^.^
by Tom January 5, 2005
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The kind of noodles you buy at discount stores for 10 cents a bag. Nuke em for 3 minutes and have a complete meal in any flavor you want, chicken, beef, shrimp, even chili.
What kind of Ramen noodles should i eat today? lets check the official calender and see which one of the 365 flavors they recommend.
by Jambolito May 24, 2003
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Cheap instant noodles. Comes in a hard brick of noodles which you throw into a pot on the stove with water in it for 3 minutes. Once the noodles are done, you have lots of options. If you like ramen, try this: strain the noodles, put them in a bowl and add 3/4 of the seasoning packet. Whoo hoo! Also comes in cup o' soup which is for the microwave. Available in many flavors and brands but the best by far is Maruchan Shrimp. DONT EAT TOP RAMEN SHRIMP IT TASTES LIKE SALT WATER!!
Welcome to RAA, Ramen Addicts Anonymous.
by Evil Bella January 8, 2004
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The best invention in the world, followed by root beer and poptarts.
Me-Mother, can i have ramen?
Mother-It's bad for you
Me-But it's good for the soul!
Mother-*sigh* i dont care
*no one can ignore the power of ramen*
by Gerard's Prison Mate August 28, 2005
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