42 definitions by Ninja Disaster


Horribly bastardized style of English spoken by Japanese ESL dropouts.

See: wordEngrish/word.
"We are make the outrageous happy fun ok!"

"More power to your elbow cocky victory!"

"Zig, for great justice!"
by Ninja Disaster July 2, 2003
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home shopping network

The perfect oportunity for a bored housewife to buy a ton of useless shit on her husband's credit card.
$300 for a solar-powered toothbrush with a built-in hedge trimmer. I'll buy it!!
by Ninja Disaster June 20, 2003
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1.) Delicious, inexpensive noodle soup good for either a light snack or a meal. Goes great with those pre-cooked strips of chicken or beef you can buy at the supermarket. Tastes like shit if overcooked, though.

2.) Inexpensive noodle soup eaten by the wordWapanese/word only because it comes from Japan. They don't actually like ramen at all. They just like the fact that they don't have to import the shit. Not to be confused with normal people who eat ramen because they actually like the taste and/or are too poor to afford anything else.
1.) "This stuff may be cheap, but it's actually good. Beef and Pork ramen are my favorites flavors."

2.) "Kawaii desu!! Pork ramen!! Oh thank Kami-sama, since I don't have to import this from Japan, I can order another box of Cucumber and Teriyaki-flavor pocky! Uh-oh, Sailor Moon is about to start! Ikuhayo~~!! ^_^ LoLooLllLOlOloLo!o11!11!!"
by Ninja Disaster August 26, 2003
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a perfect circle

H-O-W-E-R-D-E-L, and yesh, he's pretty talented. Maynard's vocals are pretty fucking sweet as well. A shame about Paz leaving the band, though... She was hot. And it's not fair to compare APC with Tool. That's like comparing the Beetles to Anthrax.
Thirteenth Step, the new APC record, is pretty fucking awesome. My favorite track is "Gravity".
by Ninja Disaster September 14, 2003
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Computer Assisted Passenger Pre-screening System. AKA: "Big Brother"; it allows the government to have access to your personal information so they can run an extensive background check on you whenever you book a flight. Welcome to 1984, folks.

See also: wordThe terrorists have won/word.
Whoever thought this bullshit system up should be branded a traitor and "capped".
by Ninja Disaster August 28, 2003
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Fox News

National Republican Bullshit Network. Watched by ignorant, gun-toting, flag-waving ultra-nationalistic right-wing Christian fundamentalists who think George Bush is the new fucking Messiah or something; basically, the scum of American society who, if they had their way, would turn America in a fascistic police state in order to feel safe from the "terrorists" (aka: "brown people").
Fox News is only good for laughing at the bullshit those worthless Republicans like to spew. If you want a real source of news, go the independent route.
by Ninja Disaster July 2, 2003
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Puppet Government

Bush: The new Iraqi government is 100% legit. In no way does my corrupt administration control it behind the scenes. No sir! And Saddam's trial isn't a front designed to give the impression of Iraqi sovereignty! Not at all!

by Ninja Disaster July 2, 2004
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