42 definitions by Ninja Disaster

Horribly bastardized style of English spoken by Japanese ESL dropouts.

See: wordEngrish/word.
"We are make the outrageous happy fun ok!"

"More power to your elbow cocky victory!"

"Zig, for great justice!"
by Ninja Disaster July 2, 2003
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A kneejerk response to word9/11/word that has the Founding Fathers spinning in their graves. The single greatest advancement of fascism in United States history, and it's only the beginning...
At this rate, we'll have more freedom in communist China than here in the United States.
by Ninja Disaster July 2, 2003
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Computer Assisted Passenger Pre-screening System. AKA: "Big Brother"; it allows the government to have access to your personal information so they can run an extensive background check on you whenever you book a flight. Welcome to 1984, folks.

See also: wordThe terrorists have won/word.
Whoever thought this bullshit system up should be branded a traitor and "capped".
by Ninja Disaster August 28, 2003
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A follower. A sheep. A tool unable to think for himself, looking for others to guide him. Wants to conform so badly it hurts. A leech of a human being sucking on the teat of Corporate America to get at the rancid milk known as popular culture. A social leper. A fool.

See Also: Goth, Prep, Punk, Emo Kid, Hipster, Sk8ter, Vally Girl, Wigger, Gangsta, Metrosexual, and Townie
Trendwhores are the AIDS of creativity.
by Ninja Disaster August 17, 2004
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1.) Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer. A computer expert who really isn't.

2.) The clown college diploma of the IT world.
"I am a computar expert because I am an MCSE! This Lunix computar is broken! The Start button is missing!"
by Ninja Disaster August 27, 2003
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If by "fun" you mean "extremely annoying", then yes. It is a "fun" introduction to Love Hina.
This song makes me want to commit suicide.
by Ninja Disaster July 9, 2004
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A society for people with high IQs, which they define as being within the top 2% of the "general population." It is a haven for snobbish elitists who feel that it is their God-given right to belittle people who aren't as "smart" as they are (see: mensa troll, asshole, and superiority complex). In fact, the average Mensa gathering is just an exclusionist circle jerk where people talk about how goddamn smart they are and how stupid everyone else is, usually with a glass of brandy in one hand and a copy of Aristotle in the other (monocle and pretentious goatee optional). Beware when encountering a Mensa member on the street; if he does not eye you with contempt and shove past you in a huff, he will shove his status as a member down your throat in a long-winded self-aggrandizing monologue.
Me: Hey man, do you have the time?
Mensa Troll: Why, yes I do. But I'm not going to give it to you until you apologize for addressing me in such a crude manner.
Me: Uh... what?
Mensa Troll: Begone, you filthy pissant. My genius cannot be stifled by the suffocating weight of your ignorance.
Me: Ugh. You must be from Mensa...
Mensa Troll: Wow, how did you know?
Me: I dunno, just a feeling...
by Ninja Disaster December 15, 2004
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