meatballs are people that like to drink, like to have fun , have free spirits and they have no rules and regulations. Made popular by snooki and deena.
“ You see those two girls over there drunk dancing on tables, yeah they’re meatballs.”
by strangeweirdo February 28, 2020
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A girl who has large breast, a big butt, but is short as hell, mainly found in New Jersey
Ugh, that girl looks like a god damn meatball
by Mocoholi December 23, 2010
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a girl who is very short, under 5 ft 1, thick, with a big ass and boobs to match. She is always a blast to be around and knows how to party! Made popular by Snooki and Deena.
"You see that short girl beatin' up that beat? She's a member of team meatball."
by CrPg December 5, 2011
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Meatballs are tasty balls of minced beef or lamb

Hmmm I love these meatballs did you cook them, oooh they are the dogs bollocks
by legs akimbo April 4, 2007
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The act of accidentally running over your dog with your car
I was late for work today and left in a rush and accidentally meatballed my dog
by meatball69littlekids November 17, 2020
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Noun: Usually applied to persons of evidencing a lack of common sense. Syn: Goof, Lackwit, Nimrod.
"Man, Mickey was trying to impress some girls, fell out of a tree and landed on his head... What a meatball."
by Chris A. March 31, 2003
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When two partners engage in sexual intercourse and the male performs cunnilingus on the female during her menstrual cycle, he inadvertently collects some of her uterine lining into his mouth. As he finishes the oral sex, the two partners kiss, and the male spits the detritus of blood and menstrual chunks back into her mouth. This is the art of "meatballing," as the chunks represent what looks like a meatball.
"So, what are you ordering for dinner?"

"Spaghetti and meatballs."

"That's disgusting!"
by Chef Boyardee April 21, 2005
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