Magnet - A person who is attractive from the back but repulsive from the front, just like a magnet.
"I followed this girl in the mall yesterday 'cos she had a great ass. But then I saw her face and she looked like a moose. What a fuckin' magnet."
by bigbadscot May 21, 2016
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The belief that when you die, your soul sticks to the nearest refrigerator.
Magnetism requires the greatest devotion. Many are cold, but few are frozen.
by FionnSilverwolf December 27, 2016
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1. Common term for students enrolled in specialty programs usually dealing with math, science, and computer science.

2. Attractive (not THAT kind of attractive) or repellent substance.
1. Look at that backpack! It's HUGE! He must be a magnet.

2. Put the magnet on the fridge, yo.
by 07 represent! November 30, 2004
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A person that's attractive in ways you cannot explain. You find yourself attracted to them even before they speak.
Dude Julia is such a magnet and she doesn't even know it
He's such a magnet
by Jak3thegreat January 24, 2017
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A person/thing that is so stylish, glamorous, or seductive that people are drawn to it. The epitome of the phrase "ddaaammm!"
Girl! That dress got you looking so magnet Lil Waynes grill bout to fly out his mouth and bite dat ass!
by mar_chan July 27, 2017
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An object which imparts a force on other magnets. The force is caused by moving charges within the object, and a significant net field can be produced either by alignment of atoms to a single axis, thus adding the individual magnetic fields of the orbiting electrons, or by the flow of current through a conductor. The field of permanent magnets is closest to the field generated by a solenoid. Because the field is generated by the movement of charge, and is dependent on the direction of that movement, no conventional magnet can have a nonzero total field. A thin conductor with a conventional current flowing through it will have a circular magnetic field clockwise when viewed in the direction of flow. Unit of magnetic field: Tesla, subdivision Gauss (= 1/1000 Tesla)
This is a Neodymium Iron Boron permanent magnet with a surface field 1.1 Teslas.
by appa609 January 26, 2012
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a student enrolled in a magnet program, specifically math and sciences, that has a dumb sense of humor and few if not no practical social skills. magnet students remain fixated on school during all aspects of their life, often stressing to the point of what borders on an anxiety attack.

magnet students females in particular can be associated with the phrase "oh my god i failed that test" followed shortly by a grade of 95% or higher.

magnet males can be associated with a sick sense of humor and an inability to understand any and all forms of humor with the exception of math and calculator oriented, black people, and homosexual oriented jokes, and these only in short "one-liners" or inappropriate physical displays unbecoming of students in high school.

the typical magnet student is very clicky with other magnet students and branches out only slightly to other groups, mostly through common functions such as orchaestra or CTY.

an essential of any true magnet student is a website customized with special html
"that magnet student wishes the teacher to call him charizard during class."

"which magnet student?"

"the one putting the I LOVE DICKS sign on that kid's back"
by voltaire May 27, 2005
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