it means you must masticate on some fecal matter than cause your heart to stop fribulating
you pick up a piece of dog poo and start to chew on it, enjoying the nutty flavour with a slight liver bouquet. You then hold your breath (by putting duct tape over your mouth and nose) to preserve the awesome smell and flavour and your heart stops from lack of oxygen.
by flipynif November 17, 2004
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Usually said when angry, or in humour.
Eat shit and die ass wipe!
by Minority September 21, 2008
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Usually said when really pissed off.

Say it, then beat the person the fuck up.
"Eat shit and die!" Johnny said as he ran over and beat the shit out of the queer nerd.
by Mike February 8, 2004
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Eat shit and Die.... Usually always said when mad!!! The again, my normal words to close friends are eat shit and die.
I wish I could do this.... 1) Grab a cup.... 2) Squat down and release the dump in the cup... 3) Grab a spoon... 4) Sit down the other person.... 5) Forcefully feed them the cup full of shit... 6) Hope that they die.
by Tasha April 6, 2005
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Translated from the serbian: jedi govna i umzi.
A common phrase when you want to tell someone not to be an idiot, not to speak crap, that you're annoyed, by them, or don't believe them.
Tim: I bankrolled a cool mil onto my offshore swiss bank account but I lost it all to crash in February.
Me: Eat shit and die!
by p@$$ing thr.ugh December 8, 2010
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