"Anyone But Trump" - meaning the person will vote for literally anyone but Donald Trump.
"I don't care who's running, as long as it's ABT"
by Toyzrme May 4, 2020
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abt is an abbreviation for "Anything But Trump," reflecting the 2016 presidential campaign.
Person A: Man, did you see the polls?
Person B: Ikr. Abt, am I right?
by AniSkywalker September 17, 2015
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About Bloody Time
Someone comes home; "Oh ABT"
by Kevin Devito November 5, 2019
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Person 1- Yo you a ABC?
Person 2- Nah, I'm a ABT, American Born Taiwanese.
by jeFFwEE November 14, 2007
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Asian Batgirl Twin;
Sexy, Awesome, Rad.
OMG There Goes Lou && Sal Those Sexy ABT's.
by Loulou. August 2, 2007
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The Beef-Wrap Supreme required some seriously sleepy ABT.
by balloonsisterfriend September 17, 2008
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ANYTHING BUT THIS syndrome occurs when a relationship sours and your significant other doesn't care where the two of you go, as long as it's separate ways. Reconciliation is impossible.
I think my girlfriend has ABT syndrome. No matter how hard I try, it's just not good enough.
by Lovekraft January 12, 2009
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