Authoritarian democrats lost a democratic election fair and square to Donald Trump. Fucking get over it.
by xaneks February 12, 2017
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the emotional aggregate of a professional; extreme anger or hatred towards children;

also: manic depressive disorder linked to childhood defamation; a character flaw causing chaotic circumstances; evil in its purest form
(Emotional Aggregate): Believing that mundane activities make you a professional, such as waking up at dawn for no apparent reason, bathing in cologne, and degrading those close to you for not conforming to your own psychotic subconscious standards that you have created for yourself. You display authoritarianism.

(Hatred Towards Children): Beating, maiming, or murder of a pre-pubescent citizen on grounds with out much substance, for example, shoving a child's face into sand because his shoelace is untied or he called you Glenn Humplick.

(Manic Depressive Example): Walking down street in wet t-shirt and getting back slapped by town bully at a young age, causing backlash at close friends because you locked away the pain.

(Character Flaw): destroying the personal property of others or causing others to cower in fear over the fact that you are flying around like a tornado, speaking in toungues, face afire.

(Evil): Anything a manifestation of the above; professionalism at its absolute worst.
by gerberho July 25, 2006
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A system of governance is fully authoritarian when a single individual or an elite has unlimited power over an area.

This is the polar opposite of direct democracy, instead of the country being governed from the bottom up the society is being governed top-down. China currently has an authoritarian system of governance and while people there can often enjoy some rights the government can take back any of these rights at any time for any reason without warning.
We needed authoritarianism to properly respond to the sars-cov-2 virus.
by vintologi August 28, 2022
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Opposition to authoritarianism. Beliefs include no absolute faith in authority; appealing to reason, logic and evidence; equality before the law and civil liberties, and rejection of appealing to authority to prove an argument as a logical fallacy. Anti-authoritarianism has been associated with the counterculture movement and sub-cultures such as punks (and offshoots such as cyberpunk and unicorn punk), beatniks, and hippies; and the bohemian movement.
The accession to power of notoriously unpopular populist politicians such as Hitler and Donald Trump has been a spur for anti-authoritarianism.
by LotusDrop February 25, 2018
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A political idealogical concept in which a government should have the majority of control. However, being a social authoritarian means that the government acts on the part of its citizens. It by no means means a conservative, whackjob society where religion is key and rights are stamped out. It essentially is a benevolent dictatorship, where a small group of people act towards the better of a country.
Guy 1: Dude, did you know Singapore is a benevolent dictatorship?!
Guy 2: Uh yeah. But did you know its one of the most advanced cities in the world because of it? Because of its long term commitment, it can actually start and finish projects! That's why i'm an social authoritarian.
by Pyrotrout February 15, 2011
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A ruling party within a country that enforces strict obedience and allegiance to authority at the expense of personal freedom (as seen in Iran, Syria, North Korea, Russia, China, and sometimes, America).
Person 1 - Hey what are the most up and coming authoritarian regimes?
Person 2 - The Trump administration is rising the ranks quickly. Let's see if they can compete with North Korea and Syria.
by iMonkeyBIZ February 10, 2020
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