A term for a person or movement that embodies populism i.e. anti-intellectualism masquerading as disdain for "the elites" i.e. anybody who uses facts in an argument. This is generally found in the far-right (or alt-right, as they like to call themselves now), but far-left populists are not uncommon, just less prone to xenophobic bullshit
by post-truthpillock March 23, 2017
An adjective used by snobby intellectuals and elitists basically as code for "this is what morons like."
by roundthewheel January 10, 2008
by BiT_UD November 15, 2019
A thoughtless political experiment in which contradictory and counterproductive governance creates a society so fragmented and chaotic that its leaders are only mocked rather than overthrown.
by Professor Arsegarp July 23, 2021
News and TV in which regular people are shown instead of actors and/or unusually good-looking people, such as when you see fatasses at the gas station on the nightly news.
by mikey veee July 24, 2008
People, mostly former Republicans, who believe that government should be pretty much non-existent. Unless said government can be used to fund a huge army or prohibit things they don't agree with like abortion and gay marriage.
I heard that Ayn Rand and Jesus had a baby and named it Ronald Reagan. That kid is gonna be one great libertarian populist.
by HarrieB August 6, 2013
by EmpDaylight December 1, 2023