Nitrous Oxide setup by NOS for an engine.

Basically, if you use nitrous oxide, your car isn't fast enough. NOS is crap. Get a real engine and you won't need NOS.
Shit, that guy has nitrous? What a loser. He should get some sense and so some real shit to his engine.
by Anonymous June 10, 2003
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Funny story, we smoked some weed, and I asked my friend online what weed we smoked and he replied 'nos'
At the time I thought it was a name of a weed. So I'm like to people, 'Yo I smoked some nos the other day. And everyone was like 'Aight' like they knew what it was.
And later in person I ask him about 'nos' and he's like thats my way of saying no online. So now people think nos is a slang word for weed, which it is. Because of stupidity, gullibility, and conformity. But it sounds cool, and that's what i call weed now.
-Yo, we just smoked some nos today.
-Nos? What?
-You know, weed.
-Ohhhh, right nos... <.< >.>
by SexyAlexi September 8, 2004
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A facebook roleplay group formed by the most awesome people you will ever meet. Stands for 'North of Somewhere'. The creator is most likely going to write out all the roleplays into a book, or a series of books.
What's NoS?
A roleplay made up of the greatest people you will ever meet.
by Liannamaybloom July 2, 2011
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Someone who is unusually large in the abdomen fat blonde white girl fat obese huge overweight tubby chunky fatass
"Hey nos! Stop eatin them warm delights, ya heard?"
by Bellla Rose June 9, 2009
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past tense of to no

Definition: to go through forms/endless ad offers selecting no again and again.
1) Gah. I had to *no* through a dozen adds before I could get my score...

2) I just *noed* through all of those ads. they don't send you any spam.
by m adams April 20, 2008
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1. Displaying or marked by a lack of consistency, especially:
a. Not regular or predictable; erratic: inconsistent behavior.
b. Lacking in correct logical relation; contradictory: inconsistent statements.
c. Not in agreement or harmony; incompatible: an intersection inconsistent with the road map.

2.Lacking a sense of responsibility; unreliable or untrustworthy.

3.Of, relating to, or having a sexual orientation to persons of the same sex
He NOS'ed us on the scrim last night, or
he NOS'ed axium in the ass last night.
by Slu+PLz? May 26, 2005
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it is a very powerful enery drink i havent see exist out side of florida and is the = to drinking 12 cups of coffe
dude im just drunk a nos now everything is going slow
by itsa me you pimpio October 9, 2008
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