Three Definitions:

1) A positive feeling or excitement.

2) Cheerful, or willing to help

3) Adjective stating something completely random as adorable or funny or extremely entertaining or even wierd.
1) I'm happy to hear that!

2) I'd be happy to help! YAY!!!

3) OMG, that book is so happy...
by SatChan June 6, 2006
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1) (adjective) A feeling of overwhelming joy, self satisfaction, or the thought of being somewhere that is of ideal nirvana.

2) (noun) a prostitute
1) "Dude, Mikey looks so happy!"

2) "Dude, Mikey, look at that Happy's ass! Its the size of Montana, and her boobs are twice as big!!
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A satisfaction of somekind or just a way of telling someone how they feel

Tom: I'm so bored I'll go on urban and write a random definitionis for happy.

Fred: Eh.. I'm pretty happy...
by Lemons rock December 28, 2009
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An adjective used to describe someone who is smart and positive. To be happy, you just have to take a deep breath and smile. It's as simple as that. There are millionaires who have so much material things but aren't happy. At the same time, there are poor farmers who are completely happy and satisfied with whatever they have. This simple proves that happiness has to come from the inside. It doesn't have to do with what things you have or don't have. If YOU looked up this word, you're probably NOT happy. If you WERE happy, you'd be busy doing other things. So, I'm telling YOU! Just be happy! See the positive things in your life and be thankful for them. It's really easy.
Rich teenage guy: I have so much stuff in my house but my parents are too busy to even talk to me. Now I take drugs and got some whores.

Middle-class teenage guy: That sucks, dude. My parents are OK but I'm pretending to be emo so I can get that hot chick next door.

Poor teenage guy: Man, you guys are so lucky. I can't even eat three times a day.

Me: My life's not perfect but it's OK and I'm happy that it is. All good people should be happy.
by Codename 48 aka Hell Saint November 22, 2007
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1.What everyone wants and aims to be, without realizing or not.
2.A feeling of contentment that is often temporary.
1.When father walked her down the aisle & she saw her love, she was pretty damn happy!

2.Aaron thought he was happy with Alison, until he found out she missed the pill, got pregnant, and gave him crabs.
by heyhihello January 17, 2007
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