n. A marital engagement under which the housing and living expenses of one fiance are covered by the other.
No matter how good your proposal is, she won't say 'yes' unless you agree to shack-up and make this a full-on funded engagement.
by Dkr. J February 23, 2018
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(From the National Football League's penalty for 'excessive celebration') Said of a website that either requires you to remember yet another password or is loaded with so much advertising and pop-ups, yet has content that might be useful to you, as to be unusable. A website that doesn't pull its load.
User goes to interesting-looking site, gets bombarded with pop up ads only to find that you need to create a log-in to get the content.

Referree says: "Excessive funding...10 yard penalty..."
by Braveheart The Brat-Free May 24, 2014
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A phrase meaning someone must get/find something for you and you will fund (pay for) it.
Those heels online are stunning... You find, I fund!

That pizza looks yummy.. You find, I fund!
by LingDanc803 March 22, 2023
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A source of funding not well known to others
He is going to the funding chicken to pay for this project...
by dimidium May 26, 2020
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A system by which the government guarantees all employed persons in the entire nation will get a certain percentage of their income by the time they retire.

This system has been fairly functional up until recently, with current demographic shifts making most current models unsustainable unless states increase the age at which a person may collect their pension.

This has effectively made most of these systems into a literal political time-bomb in the countries in which they have been implemented because the taxes that must be levied against individuals and the companies that employ them to pay for such funds has made it so that only the ultra wealthy or very well off can feasibly keep a private retirement fund, meaning that with every year the government increases the retirement age they are effectively forcing most of the population to work longer than they want to/are able to, which is shockingly very unpopular with voters.
Wealthy CEO: Oh boy I’m sure looking to retire at age 50 and leave my company to my son/daughter so they may do the same exact thing.

Average Employed Person: Damn it’s going to suck ass working until I’m 70 only to retire and have the National Pension Fund recipient age raised to 71
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person: hey do you support funde?
Person 2: what's funde?
Person: fundeez nuts.
by diskcanfly June 7, 2021
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What one pulls money from for drugs.
Hey are you going to have enough money for this stuff? Yeah ill pull it from the Disney Fund
by Iamfromalabama August 10, 2017
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