When a person convinces a retarded kid that he can fly and tries to get them to jump off a high place (i.e. a set of stairs)
Tom: You heard that Steve did the Flying trick on some kid last week
Phil: God, what an asshole
by Mr. Person Man March 11, 2019
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Annually August 12th Reuben often trick his followers to see how active they are ,every year
Mike :Damn Reuben got me again,what is today?
Ria: You ain’t no? It’s annual Trick day!
by Juicewrldmuseum August 12, 2018
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when someone does something for a long time and its hard to teach them new abilities.
you cant teach an old dog new tricks, my uncle never learned how to use his cellphone.
by Andre the CRACKER DACKER November 18, 2016
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You main Akali in league of legends and you watch anime. You are weird
"Your an Akali One Trick player''
by Akali hater! May 28, 2022
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Being an Akali one trick is very bad. They probably likes anime and Ionia broken champions. Please do not be an Akali one trick.
by Akali hater! May 28, 2022
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Lead Hat-trick: In this defensive maneuver, the defender quickly draws his pistol and hits the attacker with 3 consecutive shots delivered (in order) to the attacker's groin, chest, and head (allowing the recoil of each shot to naturally raise the point of aim for the next shot). The attacker is thereby triple fucked and the defender can lay claim to successfully executing the legendary Lead Hat-trick.
Did you hear another crackhead broke into the local service garage again. This time, Bill was ready and pulled off the legendary Lead Hat-trick.
by November 3, 2023
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Trick in which Josh Bryan gives a girl his hat in order to make her feel special so he can hook up with her.
“That girl last night wasn’t really vibing with JB until he brought out the infamous hat trick
by Rcomerfo May 24, 2022
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