City Slang meaning to fight or slap box someone, causing blood. It's called get it "crusty" because when the blood drys up, it is, well, crusty!
Yo bro, I heard Tyrell and Shawn are gonna get it crusty after school today!
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Crusty cheeks is when you havent wiped enough and you have poop in your bumcrack and it hardens and turns to crust. Crust is very itchy and annoying.
Victor: I have crusty shit in my bumcrack.
Daniel: Crusty cheek?
Victor: Crusty cheek.
by Bumcrackexpert101 February 2, 2023
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When your sloppy seconds date or fuck eachother
"Hey did you hear about Nate and Julia getting together?"

"Damn, looks like my sloppy seconds turned into crusty quads"
by Steve dankerson May 25, 2020
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To fart in your hand and place it in an unsuspecting persons face.
1: Dude, that Crusty Fluff was rank!

2: Yea, thats payback for the Crusty, Asshole!!!
by Bang'n March 23, 2008
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When someone doesn't wipe their butthole after taking a shit and has someone else use their tongue to lick it clean afterward. This is usually done as payment for cocaine or other drugs as was seen in the 1970s by Eddie Nash, cocaine and nightclub kingpin of LA.
Eddie: Oh Jesus, I just had explosive diarrhea and it's all over my butthole.
Crackhead: Oh boy! I'll give you a Crusty Octopus for a gram of cocaine.
by Black Dynamite 442 December 31, 2018
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A very annoying, itchy feeling that one gets when they don't wipe their ass properly/completely. Sometimes you can wipe until there's no shit left but still suffer from this condition. Oftentimes this condition comes involuntarily and is not usually a result of lacking anal hygiene.

One way to counter-act this feeling is wiping with a wet cloth.
I had explosive diarrhea earlier today and it was impossible to wipe. I thought I got it all but the itchy sensation in my crack foretold of my incoming crusty ass.
by anus_ganus November 1, 2014
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This is when you are having sex and the woman that is so loud, she wakes up your roommates causing you to take the crusty old jerk-off-rag (SOCK) from under your bed and cram it in her mouth.
Kristen was yelling so loud at the apartment during sex that i had to give her the crusty muzzle so she didn't wake you up.
by grimmy December 22, 2005
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