The most extremist version of punk. The music is always political and badass. Nearly all crust is anarchist or marxist-anarchist. Crust fashion, although almost an oxymoron is all black(derived from Crass's assosciation of black with anarchy) with sewn on patches of bands they listen to. The patches are black with white lettering and usually sewn on with dental floss.
Unlike other punks, crustys generally do not have the wacky colored hairstyles , instead their hair is usually natural colored, and fairly short, though most of them don't give 2 shits about it.
Crust music is loud fast and abrasive, all crust is anti-racist and all is anti-war, thus earnign crusty's the demeaning term of "hippie punks."
Unlike other punks, crustys generally do not have the wacky colored hairstyles , instead their hair is usually natural colored, and fairly short, though most of them don't give 2 shits about it.
Crust music is loud fast and abrasive, all crust is anti-racist and all is anti-war, thus earnign crusty's the demeaning term of "hippie punks."
by Andrew Apocolypse January 18, 2005
captain of crust, straight crust, general crust, hailin from legrange crust, short bus shoes crust, green berg crust, hasidic crust, Lord Of all Crust!!!
by ahhh yeah December 14, 2010
Crust punk is the extreme evolution of hardcore punk. The genre might be considered hard to listen to and very abrasive, using elements of anarcho-punk and grindcore to create a unique sound that can either be fast and leaning to grindcore, or slow and mopey and/or melodic. It was originally called stenchcore. Although not the same genre, crust is closely related to d-beat, black metal, anarcho-punk, thrashcore and grindcore.
Lyrics to crust songs tend to be dark, and based around politics and current events and even some human emotion; topics such as nuclear destruction, environmentalism, racial equality, squatting/non-conformity, apocalypse, abolishing sexism, animal rights, veganism/vegetarianism, religious control, death (and/or escaping life) and anarchism are common. Crust is one of the darkest subgenres of punk, and also is one of the least recognizable as punk, in terms of sound. Elements of the crust sound can be heard in many Anarcho-punk bands, such as those signed to Profane Existence, Mortarhate Records, Havoc Records, & Life is Abuse Records.
Many consider the band Amebix to be the godfathers of crust punk, and consider the Arise! LP to be the first known defining crust punk album. The band Deviated Instinct, who actually coined the term "crust punk", was one of the first bands to play the genre as it commonly recognized today.
Listeners of crust punk music are often referred to as crusties
Lyrics to crust songs tend to be dark, and based around politics and current events and even some human emotion; topics such as nuclear destruction, environmentalism, racial equality, squatting/non-conformity, apocalypse, abolishing sexism, animal rights, veganism/vegetarianism, religious control, death (and/or escaping life) and anarchism are common. Crust is one of the darkest subgenres of punk, and also is one of the least recognizable as punk, in terms of sound. Elements of the crust sound can be heard in many Anarcho-punk bands, such as those signed to Profane Existence, Mortarhate Records, Havoc Records, & Life is Abuse Records.
Many consider the band Amebix to be the godfathers of crust punk, and consider the Arise! LP to be the first known defining crust punk album. The band Deviated Instinct, who actually coined the term "crust punk", was one of the first bands to play the genre as it commonly recognized today.
Listeners of crust punk music are often referred to as crusties
by HP Morton February 26, 2006
crustcoreThe punk equivalent of grindcore- insanely fast, loud with incredibly garbled vocals that sound like "ruh-ruh-ruh-raaarrwwggg" despite what the lyric sheet says. Almost always political, alomst always ass-kicking.
by chthonik May 13, 2004
Something weird, disgusting, or unappealing. Anything can be crusty. Someone's face, a dirt spot, or even your behavior.
by bekkah.kate August 26, 2008
used to desrcibe an object or person with either indescribably dirty, sketchy, horrid, pputrid, unfathombale, flaky, or fugly characteristics.
by lizzybmomofenz December 13, 2010
Listen to Lazy Sunday Afternoon by The Small Faces and you'll hear the lyrics 'they're doing me crust in' - In other words the neighbours are doing his head in
by notquitepatrick March 9, 2017