a phrase used to describe the highest level of discontent and discomfort. a varient of "That really Rustled My Jimmies"
Steve: Hey Jon! did you hear what happened to Rick? Leo beat him up at my party last night.

Jom: wow, Leo must have been Maximum Over-Rustled to do something like that.
by Bruce Brewsky April 25, 2013
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its that One person u know who does dick all but has fucking amazing things happen to him/her consistently.
Calvin is a under over acheiver and always high but for sum reason is a pussy magenet with a 70 sum average
by BluntTrama January 12, 2010
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The female equivalent to the male saying "bros over hos." It means to put your ladies first, then your male partners second.
Girl one : You wanna party tonight ?
Girl two : I made plans with the bf, but hey, chicks over dicks, right ?
by Chiggx January 7, 2008
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Over the Garden Wall is an amazing and beautiful American animated television miniseries created by Patrick McHale for Cartoon Network. Like seriously it's so good
Person 1: Have you watched over the garden wall?
Person 2: No
Person 1: fuck you
by Tree branches and leaves March 15, 2021
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The word Deen, is an arabic word with three general sentences, judgment, custom and religion while the word Dunya is an islamic word which refers to the temporal world, aka the world before the afterlife. The meaning behind the sentence "Deen over Dunya" means that we Muslims put our religion over this temporary world which we believes is a test from our God.

Let's say that a muslim is invited to a haram party, needs to wear something revealing to a specific place they have to go to or feel like having to skip a prayer for something so stupid yet important. A good muslim would put the Deen over Dunya in a position like this - with other words, not take the so called haram option cause it's not worth the take.

Muslims believe that this world is temporary and is just a test from God. This is NOT the real world, and when we fall into a position where we have two options to take, it is God that tests us. That's why we put our religion first, which is much more important, over this temporal world.
Non Muslim friend: I know you can't eat pork, but c'mon, just try a bite! Please?
Halal Muslim: No, Deen over Dunya.
by isuckatfortnite November 21, 2021
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An act where a woman is on the top of a bald man giving a 69er. She then intentionally or unintentionally releases messy diarrhea all over his head causing a chocolate hair-like replacement.

In addition, A Bad Hershey Comb-over is when the color of the diarrhea dosen't match the color of his eyebrows.
"Hey Greg, Mike looks 10 years younger since Crystal gave him a Hershey Comb-Over".
by Ray October 25, 2004
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The art of dealing with an annoying situation short term till you get what you need.
John - " Yo Jimmy, did Eric ever pay you the 400 bucks he owes you?"
Jimmy - " Nah, man"
John - " WTF, smack that homeboy!"
Jimmy - " Not yet. It's money over fists, I'll wait till he pays up and then drop the hammer on him!"
by Snoop Legend July 2, 2019
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