A failed attempt at a “French exit” in which the perpetrator passes out drunk in the front yard of a regrettable one-night stand.
I must’ve pulled a Jersey exit last night because I woke up in my date’s yard this morning.
by Black Anus May 8, 2018
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The term “exit pants,” originating from popular culture of the early 1200s, comes from the Latin root “pantus exeunt”. It refers to a moment, or succession of life sentences, in which the subject in question removes their pants upon a vision from God. This vision is usually instigated upon the influence of heavily sedated elephants in stampede. In this event the person, or gay, would kneel before the elephants, and simply remove pants.
by SevenCorn January 25, 2021
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Bleeding during an after bowel movement - evidence may appear on toilet paper
Ugh- another rusty exit, I need to eat more fiber.
by Cocobeware July 22, 2014
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Another term for anal sex.

First discovered and used on a closed meeting between backpackers ('backpacker' can also mean the same thing) in Chiang Mai, Thailand, January 2009.

The definition is simple; Someone (or something) that blocks your bodys' exit.
Dude 1: Hey, did you watch Brokeback Mountain on TV yesterday?
Dude 2: No, I had a life, why?
Dude 1: Gyllenhaals butt got pretty owned by Heath Ledger!
Dude 2: Oh man! What a friggin' exit blocker!
by iRONFiSTER March 2, 2010
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When you are about to have sexual relations and something changes your mind so abruptly you leave without putting on clothes/pulling up pants.
haha yeah man I pulled down her pants and she hadn't wiped her ass in weeks, so I made a hot exit!
by Loktar September 18, 2014
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going for an sti test after a break up but before a new relationship.
Friend 1: So how was the exit interview?
Friend 2: S'all good. I was just reacting to my new laundry detergent. Can't wait for my date with Jack this weekend.
by StraightTalkingLady January 30, 2017
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What happens to the human posterior region an hour or so after consuming spicy food. The poison has traveled through the digestive system of some poor, unfortunate soul and now makes an exit in a very uncomfortable manner.
Bud 1: "Shit, bud. I ran through those suicide wings WAY too fast. I'm going to go home and wait for this fire exit."
Bud 2: "I feel great sympathy for you and your anus. May God have mercy on your soul. And your anus."
by Sweet Fraser March 24, 2014
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