The act of crisscrossing the office, looking in drawers, closets, cabinets, and talking to coworkers, in order to find an item.
Where is that Windows 7 install CD?

I don't know.

Well, time to go on an office safari!
by Jerrylmacdonald November 11, 2009
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The point at which a white American girl from an economically well-off family goes on a trip sometime slightly before her senior year of high school (usually with a religious youth group or other like organization) to a poor nation (most commonly one within Africa) and after returning claims to have "helped the less fortunate" and/or "learned life lessons and discovered her true self." Upon further review of her attention whore photos with starving children of another race posted to Facebook, it quickly becomes apparent that the purpose for this trip was to manufacture a notable recent experience to write about in a college application for some Ivy League university that all her family members probably attended. Often a last resort for girls who are stupid, slutty, untalented, have other shortcomings, or a combination of those qualities.
Ashley had a GPA of 2.2 and her only extracurricular was sucking dick, so she had to take an application safari to get into a decent university.
by s_h September 27, 2011
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the act of combing ones butt hairs to retrieve lint and old crusties
While i was in the shower i went on a five minute long butt safari and found a plentiful amount of lint and crusty poop
by Vladboy11 November 14, 2011
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The time spent with a friend while doing photography. This does not need to take place on an actual safari.
We should go on a photography safari tomorrow! I just got a new camera that is badass.
by shshshannon December 30, 2011
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Upon having sex with a girl on her period and creaming on her, you mix the 2 "liquid substances" often involved with the dirty . sex you mix together and rub on girls forehead saying "Siiiiimba"
I don't think Shanikua was quite ready to be welcomed into the sex jungle world that way. The Dirty Safari left her stunned!
by Westicle Cawkins February 20, 2015
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When you're in the woods in Norway and spot some gays having sex like deers in headlights.
"yo man, you ever been on a gay safari?"
by Moustachelad69 February 7, 2019
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