5 definitions by shshshannon

The time spent with a friend while doing photography. This does not need to take place on an actual safari.
We should go on a photography safari tomorrow! I just got a new camera that is badass.
by shshshannon December 30, 2011
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One who lists things
Yo dawg, I am a thingist because I list out all of my thoughts on the internets.
by shshshannon December 22, 2010
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Term used to describe someone who was attractive during your freshman year of high school, but got ugly as time progressed
by shshshannon December 30, 2011
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This is an acronym for "Okay, bye." There are many different contexts in which this would make sense

1. In place of goodbye, see you later, etc.
2. When a conversation topic has been exhausted and it is time for a new topic to be introduced, saying "kb" indicates that you both agree to start talking about something new
3. When you are talking about something that you suddenly realize you do not want to discuss, saying "kb" would mean that you no longer want the person to interrogate you about said topic
1. Yo Chelsea, I'm going to go to bed, kb.
2. *awkward silence*
Person 1: kb new topic
3. Person 1: So I was making out with this guy named Kyle, and he was awesome.
Person 2: Kyle, as in... my cousin?
Person 1: Kb. So what did you say was happening in Africa again?
by shshshannon January 1, 2011
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