Verb. To "Leroy" is the act of two people, generally homosexual, pressing their assholes against each others and then one of them proceeding to defecate into the other's asshole.
John squatted over James and they scissored, pushing their cheeks apart until their assholes kissed. John pushed hard and felt his poop exit his asshole as it slid directly into James'. They had just performed a Leroy.
by LeatherBearBikerDude December 21, 2022
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Leroy is the soil of the earth,

he brings life.

He is the sun rays that pierce through the clouds on the 4th of July,

he brings light.

He is the ocean when a storm hits,

his anger is uncontrollable, quick and irrational just like the waves when they crash against a rocky shore.

He is the cherry blossoms,

blooming in the spring,

that gift us with an exquisite scenery as a gust of wind departs their petals from the trees to carry them along the path walk.

He is the rain,

Pouring down on you and soaking through the Material of your clothes,

weighing you down,

his misery is too much for him to handle by himself at times,

it burdens him like the weight of the absorbed rain water, that eventually will leak from the clouds and lands upon your skin.

He is the roaring fireplace on a cold winters day,
His flames could warm the coldest of hearts and his smile could break them.

He is blood diamonds,

People want him by they’re side,

A man who feds the homeless,

A man who helps a 89 year old man cross the busy traffic in the city,

A man who never passed anyone by without stopping to say hello.

He is admired,
He is loved,
People would rob, steal and kill for him because he’s worth so much.

His is rare,
He is my whole heart.
Lady: Wow! who’s that?
Lady 2: Oh Leroy? just the most handsome man alive.
by Leroys lover May 15, 2022
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A friend who goes to pool party's and leaves early to go in for OT at work
Dude don't be a Leroy and leave this awesome pool party with your awesome friends.
by July 18, 2021
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Someone who is both Legendary and retarded, typically for the same action.

Derived from the Name "Leroy Jenkins" and the associated world of warcraft viral video.
"Did you here about john last night? dude drank an entire bottle of vodka and got into a fight with a coyote up at the cottage!"

"What an absolute Leroy"
by tyler111762 June 16, 2021
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Likes to ride his bike, has a gaming console, and will always trash talk you. If you are ever friends with him don't mess up anything he does. ESPECIALLY in sports-related matter
1)that's Leroy, I heard he doesn't like anime

2)hey Leroy, do you want to play football with us
by namedictionary217 November 17, 2020
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Leroy is a stubborn boy with his own will. He doesn't like to talk about himself. On the contrary, he likes to be there for his friends and family. He is pure and honest. one of the best friends you can imagine. He likes sports and going out. Even though he can be a bit stupid and naive at times he remains a super nice person. Leroy loves love and therefore has quite a few exes, which is why he is often referred to as a player.
Look that's Leroy my bestfriend.”
by cosabonitait March 20, 2022
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