A phenomenon within an ideological group wherein member's of the group consolidate power or gain recognition by dejecting or disavowing lesser ideologically devoted members.
Things were going great at the meetings until Karen decided to accuse Stan of not doing enough for the cause. That's where the purity spiral began. Now hardly anyone goes to the meetings or rallies.
by Bernard Shelton May 5, 2023
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When the male suitor shits and uses it as lube, in the female suitors pussy, during sex.
I used the spiral notebook technique with that ho, Jenny.
by Levy June 18, 2006
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the act of falling from the top of the drinking world to be the sick drunk chick. Usually occurs when a chick tries to out drink a man. The chick will rapidly descend into a drunken mess.
Dude, Kelly totally tried to out drink me and I was no you fucking can't. Kelly totally hit the downward spiral after two shots.
by Beaver825 July 22, 2010
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the self-humiliation and degradation of respect of an awkward individual in the course of a conversation with normal people due to the individual’s lack of communication skills and general social ineptitude
I think Cakes should stop while he is ahead and end his downward spiral of shame before his nerd jokes scare away the last remaining females at the party.
by astroguy15 September 23, 2007
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A donut move by which a car, already moving straight ahead at high speed, begins to spin while still moving in the same general direction.
"This is the upward spiraling pigtail!"

"Why is it called that?"

"I don't know!"
by montypark March 14, 2009
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(1) A condition that describes the complete shut down of traffic in the leftmost lanes of a multiple lane two-way street in which opposing lanes of traffic are separated by a median or neutral ground. In a Mexican Death Spiral, the first car car heading in one direction attempts to turn left across the median and comes to a stop to allow traffic to safely pass. Another car heading in the opposite direction also attempts to turn left across the same meridian and comes to a stop to allow traffic to safely pass. The death spiral is complete when additional cars stop behind the earlier stopped cars such that neither of the first cars can turn left because the path is now blocked by the subsequent stopped cars that have left no gap to cross.

(2) A situation that has come to an irreversible standstill, typically on internet message boards by two forum trolls clogging up the thread with their own tangential argument.
(1) Q: What took you so long to get here?

A: There was a Mexican Death Spiral at Carrollton Avenue that had traffic backed up for 10 minutes.

(2) Thanks PosterA and PosterB for causing yet another Mexican Death Spiral.
by Denman Cinqueports March 29, 2010
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