The real name of a really bad runescape player Name Yo Iwis Jr/Rushin R2h. Hes sucks Big cocks and loves to shove his face in donkey's butts.
Ivis stop sucking on that cock's cock.
by Mynameiswhat2 August 14, 2008
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The skin irritation one gets )who never attended college or went to a community college) listening to Ivy League pretension.
Jamal:"Hey nigga - wats which ya bullshit talkin? Use givin' me an ivy rash!".
by Mr.Tissue February 5, 2018
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An elitist term used to denote schools that are relatively less selective and thus generally seen as less prestigious within the Ivy League. These schools are Brown, University of Pennsylvania, Dartmouth, and Cornell.

Admission Rates in 2021:
Harvard, 3.4%
Columbia, 3.7%
Princeton, 4%
Yale, 4.6%
Brown, 5.4%
University of Pennsylvania, 5.7%
Dartmouth, 6.2%
Cornell, 14.1% (2020)

Lauren Rivera, a professor at the Northwestern Kellogg School of Management, mentions in her publication "Ivies, Extracurriculars, and Exclusion: Elite Employers' Use of Educational Credentials," that "Brown, Cornell, Dartmouth, and University of Pennsylvania (general studies) were frequently described as 'second tier' schools that were filled primarily with candidates who 'didn’t get in' to a super-elite school."

As the quote implies, the Wharton School, which is the business school of the University of Pennsylvania, is generally excluded from the lower ivy designation as an exception.
God, I've wanted to go to an Ivy League school since kindergarten. Even a lower ivy would be good enough.
by prominker June 15, 2021
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A school you definitely couldn't get into as you can't even spell "League" correctly.
I applied to the Ivy Leauge but I got rejected because I spelled Yail, Kolumbia, Kornel, Dartmuth, Prinston, Harverd, PennState and Broun wrong. I suck.
by jknee April 4, 2006
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best fuckin punk/ska band ever. broke up after 2 years but played 180= shows, usually at parties or small clubs.
jesse wrote the best and most meaningful lyrics of any band-ever. tensions in our lives that are destroying our lives, unite themselves together to make our conciousness blind, conditioned to self intrest with emotion locked away, if thats what they call normal then id rather be INSANE. -here we go again
by Anonymous October 14, 2003
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The place your parents wanted you to go to, but even YOUR dumbass knew you wouldn't get in.
I went to an Ivy League, now I have a bachelors degree and over 100,000 in debt because I wasn't very poor or very rich!
by No Lies, Only Truth August 6, 2016
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A lesser ivy like Cornell definitely benefits from being grouped with schools like Harvard...
by prominker June 16, 2021
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