Coordinates for Galactic Center, Coruscant, the Capitol of the Republic.
Set coordinates to 000, we are going home. (Military coordinates for Coruscant)
by Wyyrlok III October 15, 2019
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the emergency number in Australia. The American equivalent is 911and the British is 123
hurry call 000 she has been stabbed
call 000n we have been robbed
by AD2005 June 19, 2018
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This is the network term for "Unknown Error".

Similar terms are 404, 403, 500 & 613.
by Cmaza March 27, 2003
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the coolest way of telling your colleagues you'll be out of office
don't count on me, I'll be 000 tomorrow!
by ojv August 30, 2017
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also stop acting like you know it all
or at least what's going through my head?
I know you don't like this word but,
"its annoying :)"
I can see through your ways lol
very deceiving but not hard to figure out

really, ego is an annoying thing

learned it from you
by moon&night January 1, 2022
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A <000%is a dick
by Jeffy the great January 10, 2018
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A number that appears on telephones mysteriously at night when no one is around.

Usually it's a government spy trying to get a hold of you.
"Hey, that's wierd... I just got callled by a number 000-000-0000!"

"Don't answer, it's a government spy!"
by RaidenPrime May 26, 2009
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