A hilarious rhyme about spending on something when you feel it's easy to part with what you have, then you should treat yourself with this or that.
If your money's acting funny, change a little strange, check out this store and buy all the cool merchandise we have in stock.
by Verrückte Hunde November 23, 2022
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Making it (god) yahwey right for non assimilation too confusing to explain simultaneous gods that go and come at same time to host lottery winnings.
Hosting at the time after 00 but before and after rebelling the fun switcheroo kangeroo boomerang to matchmatical logic of making it wrong to be write right rite true. The variable change swap between host of people animals plurality and verbose 0.1. Or more behind a given one object. Same denomination or denominator cannot explain increase percentage unless 200 or 50 percent is acheivable outcomr for valuing a car or goat. Extra 50%\33% is 66% or 33% increase from 33%. Difference of two 100 percent outcomes subdivides your split generation into half as much.
by What 454545 flys gals water October 16, 2022
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Nigerian slang. Change in status. Could apply changes to professional, personal, religious, emotional, physical etc
I just got promoted at work, I can’t be seen hanging out with you
Because levels don change
by 9jafan May 10, 2023
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v. British term employed by aged royals when replacing their soiled Depends undergarments.

I say old chap. Must one stand to attention when watching the changing of the guard?

Only if the Queen or the Princess Royal is involved.
by gnostic3 August 19, 2022
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v. Upper class British term for applying a fresh condom.

I say. Last night at the orgy Andrew yelled that it was time for a changing of the guard. I thought it a wee bit tacky.

The command was tacky, or the condom?
by gnostic3 January 18, 2022
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n. Royal ceremony in which an aging monarch’s incontinence panties are replaced.

Care to watch the Changing of the Guard on the telly?

No. You really have to see it live to sense the majesty of the event.
by gnostic3 August 6, 2022
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The (as on the time of writing) most recent major update to War Thunder, famous for adding the A-10 Thunderbolt II.
(In 2025)

Person 1: Hey dude which update did Gaijin add the A-10 in?
Person 2: Wind of Change.
Person 1: Oh yeah.
by TwoOrMoreHippos May 27, 2022
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