Choppers Eve is like Christmas Eve for offshore workers. It's the day immediately prior to crew-change day which every two weeks is celebrated with a helicopter flight, possibly a fixed-wing to Aberdeen and subsequent beverages at either Aichies at the Station or Spiders Web in Dyce
The weekend's upon us, but I'm still 2 days away from choppers eve :(
by Kane Almsivi April 15, 2011
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A flying device with airborne capabilities, seats, and a self-propelling propeller.
Chopper Four just went down in the Hudson River...and Chopper Four was FIRST ON THE SCENE! Coincidence? Ch-ch-ch-chopper Four.
by Irrelevant October 26, 2003
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Slang for the familiar lame interactions between the Obstructionist in Chief and journalists as he pretends he can’t hear unwelcome questions over the noise of the chopper blades.
Hey you fake newstards, this is fucking chopper talk, not some serious White House press briefing!
by Dr Bunnygirl August 6, 2020
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To Run,Walk, Strut, or jog to a waiting helicopter, to avoid being raped by the predator.
Dutch: lying on the ground after being hit by Predator shoulder cannon, he motions to Asian GirlRun! Get to the chopper!
by Narr June 22, 2006
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when you spin your dick around in a circle so fast that it actually lifts you off the ground like a helicopter
my car ran out of gas so i had to use my dick chopper to get to the store
by chris ball lover rickert November 3, 2011
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a place where every evil old person in the world goes to mingle and ruin the lives of young adults trying to live off of minimum wage.
"hank, i need to go to Price chopper to get my prune juice and saltines.
by kate December 26, 2005
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The US Marine Corps (UMC) Black Hawk Helicopter, or the Middle-East Coalition (MEC) and Chinese transport helicopters,in the video game Battlefield 2. The Death Chopper is named such because of its weak armor, slow speed, and light and ineffective weapontry. Because of these qualities, Death Choppers are extremely vulnerable to enemy fire from both land and air-based enemies. Its status as a death-trap is further incrased by the fact that it frequently carries large numbers (up to 6) of players, providing a quick and easy way to obtain a large number of kills. Death choppers most frequently fall victim to enemy aircraft or air-defense turrets, although gunship helicopters, turret-mounted machine guns, and shoulder-lauched anti-tank weapons (noob toob) also claim thier fair share of Death Choppers.

Death Choppers are most vulnerable on the "Wake Island 2007" map, where they often provide the "best" way for noobs and newbies to either get off the USMC carrier (for the US team) or get onto it (Chinese team). Expect to get a full 6 kills if you shoot one down on this map during the beginning or middle of the game.
(death chopper with 6 people is in midflight from the carrier to the chinese south base)
Death Chopper Pilot: Oh shit, enemy aircraft!
(Noob on chopper minigun shoots at enemy plane, but misses)
PLane pilot: haha n00b! Death Chopper guns suck!
Death Chopper Pilot: Shit, we're fucked. Damn you plane whores!
(PLane shoots down Death Chopper giving the plane pilot 6 kills and adding 12 points to his already-high score)
PLane pilot: Haha! i pwn Death Chopper n00bs! all your base are belong to us!
by SheeAIDS June 5, 2006
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