The son of UConn. Got killed by UConn in the Motor City Bowl, 39-10.
by UCONN OWNS TOLEDO, BITCH January 3, 2005
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1. When you shoot your partner to prove you’re not in working together.

2. Pretending to catch a criminal in the act that you are in fact working with.

3. Con-artist pretending to turn on each other in-order to dupe the Mark.
1. Richard Rovair used the old Toledo Panic Button tactic and shot his friend then pretended to give chase when the Mob Boss caught them stealing. Lucky for his friend it was only a flesh wound.

2. Tommy didn't almost get shot by accident. Hughes Johnson pulled a Toledo Panic Button on him when when his neighbors came home they found Tommy and Hughes inside their house, and their expensive plants being stolen. Hughes said he heard a strange noise, went to check it out, and saw someone stealing. His neighbors think Hughes is a hero now.

by RICHARD ROVAIR of EmptyFace February 28, 2015
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Getting head while taking a shit, except this time you slam her head in the toilet, flush, then leapfrog over her back
The Toledo Leapfrog Blumpkin ended in divorce.
by c0rr January 18, 2011
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Shitting into an envelope and mailing it first class to your lover.
When I got home from music trivia, I was pleasantly surprised to see your Toledo Hot Pocket waiting in my mailbox for me.
by FelixTheCat11 January 5, 2018
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While receiving a blowjob, one places his left hand on his left hip (w/ the elbow facing slightly forward), then proceeds to vomit on the girl giving the blowjob.
"I knew I was in love the first time he gave me a Toledo Depth Charge," said Mary.
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The act of transferring a miserable, lazy, incompetent cunt from Toledo to another branch to wreak havoc there instead. Inevitably, the Toledo cunt lives like an office nomad as she will never be accepted by the other classier, respectable women in the office; hence perpetuating the Toledo cunt transfer cycle.

Another variation known as "Toledo cunt swap" is when there are multiple cunts from Toledo creating skank whore problems in multiple branches. In vain hope of solving the problem, instead of simply firing these hostile cunts, they simply swap them out to see if they can hack it at the opposite branch. This will also cycle in perpetuity because you can't just fire someone for being a cunt from Toledo.
Woman: "Jesus! Is that cunt really taking another cigarette break?"
Woman #2: "Yeah, but don't sweat it- word is- it's the old Toledo cunt transfer for her ass next week anyway."
by HeroHandy May 4, 2019
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A "Toledo Mud Flap" occurs when a man has anal sex with a woman (or man, if that's your thing) who has diarrhea. The man's testicles act as a mud flap, keeping excrement from splattering all over the room.
David has given the Toledo Mud Flap to a fat girl this week.
by Dirty Rugger July 11, 2009
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