To absolutely disrespect a girl that you are with just so you can get with another girl. No matter what, whether you are hooking up, going out, or even married, you still will take advantage of any situation in which you can get ass.
Steve was hooking up with Mary but then he made out with Amy at a party. Steve just mitched Mary
by johnwalldemarcuscousins February 17, 2010
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---Hey, look at that dude over there getting flipped on by that chick!
--Ha, yeah what a mitch.

---Why are you so mitchy today?

---You son of a mitch!

---That kid just got mitched by that guy.

---You dudes are a bunch of little mitches.
by Ross-ome May 4, 2010
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A three-step sexual process.
Step 1: Suck your partners dick.
Step 2: Raise your partners dick and lick their balls.
Step 3: Spin your partner around and lick their butt.
This is the end of the mitching process.
Person 1: Man mitching last night was great.
Person 2: Yeah I loved when you got to step 3!
by I<3toMITCH June 25, 2010
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The act of bitching performed by a male. Can be performed in many locations such as the office, shed etc. Is usually followed up by a blog or status update.
John was mitching down the pub again. He just needs to get over it.
by BourneToSheen September 10, 2011
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jack: “where did you go last period?”
michael: “i went on the mitch and went to the shop!”
by emptymadz January 24, 2018
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To step up and get er done with a little cajun flavor and style
With everything breaking down he knew it was time to mitch in
by Bossman65 March 23, 2021
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