Somebody with incredibly long dreadlocks. Reference to the movie Battlefield Earth, where John Travolta's character has said hair style.
Gary: Dude, that chick is hot!
Eldon: If you're referring to Battlefield Earth over there, I don't think we can hang out anymore.
by WilliamGBeggs January 17, 2012
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One of a few games in which you can drive ANY vehicle or command any stationary weapon you want, and not just drive, but be a passenger too. The game sucks alone, but with Desert Combat, Rise of Rome, or SWoWWII it ROCKS.
Let's play Battlefield 1942, but with the Desert Combat mod.
by Anonymous November 3, 2003
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Battlefield 1942 + Exp. Packs, Battlefield: Vietnam, Battlefield 2

The Battlefield Series is made by EA/DICE. In Battlefield, you can do just about whatever you want. Shoot artillery, snipe, tank, pilot, it is all something you can do in Battlefield games. All Battlefield games have many mods that will appeal to just about everybody. The multiplayer community is large and there are always servers.

Battlefield 1942 - The first Battlefield game focusing on World War 2. Has many famous battles, and has some of the war's key weapons and vehicles. It had some expansion packs that were never very popular. Popular mods include Desert Combat(Gulf War), Forgotten Hope(World War 2 Realism), and Eve of Destruction(Vietnam)

Battlefield Vietnam - The second Battlefield game, based on the Vietnam War. It isn't as popular as Battlefield 1942 and isn't as good. You will face punji sticks, bouncing betties, napalm boming runs, and much more. Popular mods include Point of Existence(Modern warfare) and Operation Peacekeeper(Kosovo)

Battlefield 2 - The third and possible final Battlefield game. It deals with modern warfare. It releases in June 2005.

There is Battlefield Modern Combat for PS2 but the only people that will buy it are those without a computer or those whos computer cannot run BF2.
Thank you EA/DICE for you great Battlefield Series and your support with patches.
by porn! April 9, 2005
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A back-up plan for those who lack skill in the famous Call of Duty series and hope for a fresh start in the FPS genre of video games.
Person 1: Hey, are you gonna pre-order the next Call of Duty?

Person 2: F*ck that! Call of Duty is too unrealistic and takes too much individual skill! I'm getting Battlefield 3, the trailers look pretty and I'll have a whole team to help me out!
by unreal1298 October 16, 2011
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A game that most people who sucks at COD go to and call it better for its realism, (though it is a game anyways.). It was created because the creators where whiny bitches who couldn't stand another game being better than theirs. COD is still much more widely known, has a better review by game in former, and makes much more money for a single game.
BF fan-boy: battlefield 3 is better than COD: MW3!!!

Me: I would rather play halo...
by Theron518 November 29, 2011
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A online PS2 game that connects North America with Europe. This cuases North Americans to not creat servers (games) to play. A problem this causes is when the Europeans go to sleep North americans cannot play. This game also has a ranking system updates every 2-5 hours. This game also has points and PPH which i think is Points per hour but It is hard to raise and easy to lower.
Omfg i cant creat a Battlefield 2 server!
by MapleStory guy October 30, 2006
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