A cops-vs-robbers type thing, where you play as either the criminals or the police. It's okay I guess, there's helicopters and cars and stuff. The campaign is surprisingly good, but not great
Battlefield Hardline is like if Battlefield and GTA had a child, then circumcised it of its open-world.
by capitalistism May 4, 2021
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When two guys go into 2 stalls next to each other and see who’s shit is the largest. The guy with the largest shit gets crowned Shit Master, and gets bragging rights.
Hey dude did you hear about those two guys taking giant shits? It was a real Battlefield in the Bathroom.
by That1Dood 789 October 29, 2021
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When playing a online FPS and the group chat keeps farting in their headset making it sound like running through a battlefield.
Holy fuck i played online with the boys now i have ptsd from the dirty battlefield.
by Randy23Marsh November 25, 2021
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