A garden where the flowers are arranged to resemble a gradient.
Cerulean: I like how the orange flowers blend smoothly with the yellow ones!
Turquoise: I told you it was a smart idea to grow a gradient garden.
by Blues and Dumbness May 8, 2019
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Touching or rubbing the female genitalia to arousal up to orgasm

Made famous by Led Zeppelin in their song 'Houses of the Holy'
" Can I take you to the movies? Can I take you to the show? Can I be yours ever truly? Can I make your garden grow?"
by peterkin1010 June 3, 2017
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Bearded Jesus looking type of gentleman who cannot control his bowel movements and thus deficates on people’s lawns like an annoying neighbours cat
Person who shits in gardens
by Dangermou5e October 15, 2020
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The best fucking gifting shop in Washington, D.C. Superior service to its clients, the place the garden itself has a really dope vibe. A must see!
I went to the garden and I was gifted…..
by WorldClassStoner November 23, 2021
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One might toss a salad but if you get the Olive Garden your getting a stick of bread and creamy sauce on your face with fettuccine on your head making you look blonde.
Anderson usually wants me to toss his salad but this time he asked if any of my friends could Cooper ate and give him some Olive Garden
by 8284play January 8, 2021
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Just a casual American restaurant chain for the commoners. Serves typical Americanized Italian dishes made by unskilled college students who are just learning how to cook. Food is decent at best, as one would expect. Most often the place where a typical guy would ask a girl out to, as well as a freshman's first job.

Comparable to the Canadian restaurant chains "Swiss Chalet" and "East Side Marios".
Guy 1: Just got my first job at Olive Garden!
Guy 2: Nice!
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Planting edible plants in spaces designated for shrubbery and otherwise useless foilage. Apartment complex gardens, public parks, and golf courses are excellent targets.
Anywhere nature is being forced to "look pretty" rather than be useful is a good place for some Guerrilla Gardening.

I got sick of seeing nature constrained to human aesthetics so late last night I went out guerrilla gardening.

Guerrilla gardeners plant crops anywhere hedges are groomed or where inedible plants are contained in zones.
by BossJ August 2, 2020
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