If you want to freak out your friends, simply repeat this in a monotone voice!
"Hey James have you had a nice day?" "Tacenda, spotlight, two, association, octothorpe, xertz, strangle, numinous, tessellate, acid." "This is why you need mental help."
by CyanJames May 2, 2022
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1. a place in the UK
2. when your penis gets choked
he gave me a good ol strangle willy
by BritishBleach August 30, 2018
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A euphemism used as a reason for violently and abruptly taking a device (or unplugging it, etc) from someone who has inadvertently stumbled upon your vast, digital library of self-abuse.
You don't want to watch that mom....they end up strangling the kangaroo
by smokestyle December 24, 2021
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Strangle Fruitex vi'stest me favor sustenencex, as'r me is Doquitour Spankoflex, am very knaglegde on subgect
Dr Spankoflex: Jist Strangle Fruit, thankeks fori'st this meel hyumen

Dr ██████: What the hell are you saying?
by Aproximately November 1, 2021
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When you walk into a bathroom and are immediately repulsed by the stink of someone else's feculence and forced to evacuate.
I can never use the bathroom at work, as I have to fill out the Coroners report with the cause of death " Shit Strangled " and may soon lose my veterinary license.
by Xzyhle February 11, 2022
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A buff guy with no smarts also is abusive
Jorgen can lift heavy weights but cant pick his grades up. That guy's such a Von strangle.
by Mr. Eap November 30, 2017
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