
Release is when you have reached the point of orgasm and "release" your sperm from the tip of your erect penis.
im about to realease... ahhhh
by Philip April 22, 2005
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To get rid of a large amount of fluid one one go.
by Karl April 22, 2005
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I had asked he if he wanted to come back and see my place. We were just sitting there, hardcore making out, and then his release was out of his pants.
by Tommy and Laurel January 24, 2008
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the best reggae song to ever be performed and is by the group seeed
seeed are the ultimate reggae band...they define cool
by mick shits gunpowder December 15, 2004
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Word used to express the fact that you really can't be bothered to deal with someone or something, out of sheer desperation or disappointment. If someone tells you "release", you should just f**k off.
"-Man I really am sorry I slept with yo girl
-Release, release"

"-Dude your mom is really hot
-Release bro"
by TheSauceHomie January 27, 2021
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Released is the alias of a professional online gamer who is considered a death-dealing anomaly who sacrifices all moral decency to completely dominate, humiliate, and devastate all opponents. Also know as The Great Released, he can only be summarized as pure ownage. Using immense gaming knowledge, strategies, and skills, Released utterly destroys all online gaming pleasure his opponents once had, or dreamt of having.
I just got fucking owned by Released.
by Hlavsa December 12, 2006
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Released is the alias of a professional online gamer who sacrifics all morals to completely own and dominate other gamers playing experiences due to no other than his immense gaming skill in any and all online games.
I just got fucking owned by Released.
by Hlavsa December 12, 2006
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